Saturday, July 9, 2011


"My dear it was a moment
to clutch at for a moment
so that you may believe in it
and believing is the act of love, I think,
even in the telling wherever it went.”
-Anne Sexton, I forget which poem.

There's a definite moment right before you fall for someone when you have to decide whether you're gonna take that leap or not. It's a real, concrete choice. I don't think that many people blindly fall into love--the results are too heavy to take a decision like that so lightly. But what it takes is belief in the other person and in yourself. Belief is difficult too. It's really kind of an insane belief. Or at least how I've experienced it. Maybe when I'm with someone who makes more sense, it won't seem so insane that I'm in love.

Of course, getting out of love is the hard part sometimes. Once you've made the decision to give up that control, you lose control from there.

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