Monday, March 14, 2011

Well shit.

Wrecked my car today. I didn't feel any fear, just an "oh shit" feeling thinking about how inconvenient this was about to make my life. Everyone was okay. But the woman I hit, who was startlingly kind, is pregnant. 10 weeks pregnant, which is really fragile. I don't think I hit her hard enough to cause any problems, but that possibility is freaking me out a little. The possibility that it could have been worse freaks me out more.

Anyway, I don't feel much except for annoyance. I guess I'll have a better relationship with my bike over the next couple weeks/month. Or better relationships with people I'll bum rides from. I'm all kinds of tired. All kinds of unmotivated.

I did quit my job, though. I feel great about that, it's very liberating. I'm taking the rest of the semester off and getting my life figured out. Discerning my path and all that good stuff. I have an interview with Lasallian Volunteers this Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the wreck. On the other hand, good for you about the job. Does this mean you'll be free for a random weekday drink?


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