Sunday, October 17, 2010

When it comes down to it...

People will say that they want a partner who has opinions. I think that people like the IDEA of that more than they actually want someone who actually gives a shit and has enough guts to say something about it. It sounds great, and it sounds ridiculous that anyone would want to be with somebody who doesn't have an opinion on anything...but there you are, I see this shit.

The "coolest" girlfriends are the ones who will let people walk all over them. The "nicest" people get walked on all the time and never assert themselves, or have an opinion that might differ from what everyone else believes. They don't have opinions that might be inconvenient. If you have an opinion and you're a woman, you're probably going to be called a bitch at some point in your life.

Having an opinion isn't marketable in the dating world.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, having an opinion isn't marketable in the dating world, it's inspiring. That's why people without opinions are just products and people with opinions are the ones leading fulfilling lives (be they in or out of relationships)


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