Thursday, September 2, 2010

I was taking one of those tests the Career Center provides that's supposed to tell you what you need to be when you grow up. I had to rate my "overall happiness" on a scale from 1 to 10. A friend of mine said "You've been at a steady 4 until recently." Well, dear reader, I have decided I am currently at the unbelieveable level of 8. 8 means that I wake up in the morning and I'm not really all that tired. Small events, like cooking lunch, make me happy.

Part of this is, obviously, having someone wonderful in my life who tells me I'm...lots of things. It's so important that someone tell me the good and call me out when I'm being intolerant.
And part of it, less obviously, is moving into a new house, feeling like my life isn't stagnant. Part of me misses the apartments and how easy it was to walk to class, and the general familiarity. But even more than that, I love living in a house, with a lawn and a living room and a dining room, as opposed to a large room that quadruples as a living room, laundry room, dining room, kitchen.

I love having space to breathe.

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