You deserve it all. You deserve lemonade in the summer and sleepy mornings and summers and days off.
And you deserve people who toast to you. And people to play with your hair. And pay the fuck attention to you.
You deserve someone who carries you from the car to your bed when you fall asleep. That's unrealistic and probably unlikely, but you deserve it all the same. And someone who your family thinks is fantastic and who you think carries the moon and stars. Someone who tells you that your handwriting is sexy and doesn't change his mind about that.
And when you're on a canoe trip, and your canoe turns over on a treacherous rock, you deserve someone who helps you get all your canoe shit together and asks if you're okay.
So I want it all. All of it. I want to be so crazy about somebody I can't help but make out with them on a dance floor inappropriately. I suppose that this readiness is the first step.
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