I've been told I'm a cat. It's true. I take a long time to warm up to people, but when I'm there, I'm staying.
I'll be starting my last semester as a college student soon. How scary, but really, I'm ready for it, ready to graduate. I'm feeling more confident about being on the other side of the classroom, doing the teaching. Anytime random people ask me what I want to do, that's what I tell them, so I guess that counts for something. I can't imagine leaving Memphis, but I feel like that's what I need to do.
It snowed today. It makes me really really nostalgic for last year, last January to be specific. There are pictures on my facebook from that snowday, when the world was just beginning to open itself up for me. It was cozy but I was all jittery too. I couldn't sleep. That snow day, we woke up and made pancakes. I wrote about that in this blog, actually.
I love the cat names; I want to come meet them!