Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear CBU Study Abroad Department,

You will NOT be able to stop me from going to Barcelona. Although your purpose is to encourage students to study abroad, and then play an active role in helping them actually get there, as far as I've seen, you have done the exact opposite. Anyway, no matter how many short, rude emails I recieve saying that I can't go because of some dumb problem that can easily be solved by thinking about it for eight seconds, I will not be deterred from studying abroad. The only reason I can see for these hoops you make everyone jump through would be to test their resistance, and see if they have what it takes to study abroad.

EF and Wanda, I'm talking directly to you. Thanks for being so helpful. I constantly see you going the extra mile to ensure that students have a safe, organized study abroad experience. Anyone who says you actually need to be in your office during office hours is just crazy. What do they expect, that you'll actually respond to emails during that time? That's just ridiculous.

Thanks again!


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